Our Founders

Philippe Ulsemer (Ph.D.)
Philippe has dedicated more than 20 years to the microbiome field. He holds a doctorate in cellular and molecular biology. Following his post-doctorate, he worked as an investment analyst and innovation consultant before dedicating himself to the microbiome and probiotic field. He successfully led the R&D of start-ups in this field. He later co-founded and led microbiome based start-ups and is inventor of several patents.

Kawe Toutounian (Ph.D.)
Kawe has dedicated himself to the microbiome field for more than 17 years. He holds a doctorate in biotechnology and microbiology. He worked on pathogenic gut infections for several federal institutions and private companies before involving himself in the field of probiotic and microbiome therapeutics. Kawe was at the origin of several inventions.

Peter Götz (Professor)
Peter holds a doctorate in Biotechnology. He is professor for bioprocess engineering at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences. He is an entrepreneur with more than 30 years of experience in the field of bioprocessing manufacturing for the food and pharmaceutical. industries.
Further Management

Christina Sander (MBA, M.Sc.)
Christina holds an MBA and a master degree in Finance, Accounting, and Controlling. She looks back on 20 years of experience in international financing and business operation in which she was involved in IPO processes. Christina also led the marketing departments of international companies.

Ina Krüger (M.Sc.)
Ina holds a master degree in Biotechnology with additional qualification in marketing and business administration and a degree as Patent engineer. Over the years she developed a broad experience as business consultant, networking and out-licensing manager in the field of biotechnology.

Selected Patents Of Our Founders
Natural microorganisms which are naturally capable of binding toxin and toxin receptors (WO/2018/015380)
Microorganisms carrying a tumor antigen (WO/2013/026887)
Microorganisms of the species Bacteroides xylanisolvens (WO/2013/026886)
Fermentation process (WO/2009/138220)
Carbohydrate specific cellular immunity inducing microorganisms and fractions thereof (WO/2008/055702)
Selected Track Record
Along the last two decades of activity in the microbiome field, our founders:
developed and established countless microbiome specific assays
isolated more than 3000 strains out of the human microbiome
screened more than 10.000 bacterial strains for specific properties
developed unique knowledges about the health potential of the microbiome
developed one of the first Next Generation Probiotics (with cancer prevention properties)
developed a Next-Generation-Probiotic with anti-infection properties
obtaining Novel Food Status (EU) and GRAS Status (US) for a new Microorganism (DSM23964)
run safety assessments for microbiome applications including toxicological studies
run probiotic specific Human Clinical Studies